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My parents came to Toronto (finally)!!

My parents came to here finally (*^0^*) Last year they couldn't make it. Because of too busy. So this time, they came from Vanvouver to here using via rail and airplane. 

By the I noticed why my legs are soooo short.... dad (>c<) Hahaha

They went to Harber Front, Toronto Isand, Sky Dome (Rogers Center!?), Black creek pioneer village, CN Tower,and UofT with my guide

Thanks Pete (^^) He brought us to Harber Front. There is nice place to go & drink. Specialy this season is windy and cool. Nice to drink Beer!!!!

And after he left we went to Toronto Isand. There was such a nice place Above picture is there. Bright, so many flowers, nice beach, and lot's of beatiful view *Sigh*  Why I didn't go there before????

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