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Nationals !!  

We went to nationals Montreal and everybody did good matches (^c^) I was very glad to see everyone's matches. But in the nationals, I was asked sooo many times by everybody "Don't you play matches as a team member?" "Why don't you play?"  

Of course I wanted sooo much and that tournament also might be last tournament I could join......

I just thought I play as a team member and feel myself part of UofT Kendo club... it must be great and I want. But that's not good and not fair. I came from Japan and having experience already. Certinly if I play, I can enjoy and help team for winning. But how about future? Another UofT member can not get experience and it means breaking future possiblity from student.

Some said "Students can learn from your matches. So you should." But I don't think so. One matches. Even he couldn't do anything in the matches, it will work for him something. In this country matches are not so many particularly. So when I think about future, I couldn't... 

I was said so many times "You are too nice." Maybe or maybe not. When I see some student is excited for tournament and start playing hard for it, I feel I'm doing right thing. 

I want to give a chance to the people never play matches and never win. And I want to make them notice Kendo is fun and you can do it. As to team match also I want to say you are part of UofT Kendo club!! We can feel it in the team match specially. I trust Giving a motivation to play, that's most important role of instructor too.

And students also have to think about club more. Now just doing somebody said and don'y think about club anything except for ownself. They have to treat equipments, Shinai, Club stuffs carefully more. Anyway easy to say and difficult to do("-_-) Step by step let's do clear.

Matthew won !! o(^0^)o That was great. He got back trophy finally. I noticed that trophy was sooo big even for him  hahaha I should take a picture somebody short person having that trophy like... megumi or joanne (^c^)  I very regret about it right now.   hehehe         

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