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I found under survey in someone’s blog.


So let’s try.........

All about Tatsushi you ever wanted to know but not really have interesting                                                 

[last song you listened to]                    Love’s Divine” by Seal                    
[Shoe size] 27.5cm
[Parents still together]

Yep, they still love each other… sometimes looks weird even for me though.

[Siblings] Big Brother, Masashi I don’t have so much good relationship with him. That’s my fault
[Pets] Yep, but in my head only

Right Blue, Right Green, Dark Brown

[Number] 17 my lucky number

I love cats.

[Drinks] Beer, Coffee

Coke I guess. But I dont have any specific soda


How to win friends and influence people How to stop worrying and start living both of them By Dale Carnegie


lotus flower


[Color your hair?] Nop Actually I never dyed
[Twirl your hair?]

When Im drunk

[Have tattoos?] Nop, Im too chicken to have
[Have Piercings?]

Nop, for what? It doesnt suit me

[Cheat on tests/homework?] Nop, I chose to skip it rather than cheating
[Drink/Smoke?] Yes I love to drink for fun and release stress. I dont smoke. I mean I dont need it.
[Like roller coasters?]

Scary.. so not really

[Wish you could live somewhere else?]

Toronto. Anywhere is ok, if I can be myself in there.

[Want more piercings?] (-c-
[Like cleaning?]

Mmm. I like to keep clean public space but not my room.

[Write in cursive or print?]

No I dont have any talent about it

[Own a web cam?] Mmmm I guess I can use my digital cam for it
[Know how to drive?]

Only motor bicycle

[Own a cell phone?] Yep
[Ever get off the damn computer?]

Yes when I sleep. ??? what is this question for?

[Been in a fist fight?]

Mmm let me think I think No

[Considered a life of crime?] No, thats not my way
[Considered being a hooker?] No, thats not my way
[Lied to someone?]

Yes, but hope I dont want to do it again anymore

[Been in love?]

Oh yeah

[Made out with JUST a friend?] Yes I hope so
[Been in lust?]

Yes all the time. Thats human being.

[Used someone]

I dont think so.

[Been used?]

Oh yeah

[Been cheated on?] Yes I got hurt deeply
[Kicked someone in the nuts?]


[Stolen anything?] Nop
[Held a gun]

Hey!! Hell No


[Current clothing]

white T-shirt & Black underwear

[Current mood] Down, like as usual when Im alone
[Current taste]

coffee and beer

[What you currently smell like]

I guess smell of morning coffee and last night beer

[Current hair] Just usual. Nothing special
[Current thing I ought to be doing]

getting ready for leaving Canada Toronto. Dont ask me the things I feel sad

[Current cd in stereo] I guess Brian Mcknight Best from there to here 1989-2002
[Last book you read]

A time to kill by John Grisham actually still reading.

[Last movie you saw] Walk to remember I want to love someone like that
[Last thing you ate]

coffee (for me coffee is break fast)

[Last person you talked to on the phone] Pete St, Onge
[Do drugs?]

No, I dont need it. I can be high when I want to be without drug

[Believe there is life on other planets?]


[Remember your first love?]

Actually not really I guess when I was 5-6 years old

[Still love him/her?] Hey come on!! No way
[Read the newspaper?]

Yes sometimes

[Have any gay or lesbian friends?] Mmmmm actually No
[Believe in miracles?]


[Do well in school?]

Its hard to say. What means do well?

I didnt have so many friends in school and kind of outsider but I got very high education. So I dont know.

[Wear hats]

Yes when I was high school student, I was wearing cowboy hat seriously. So I was called Australian Beef. Now I like cloth cap

[Hate yourself?] Sometimes Yes. But basically No
[Have an obsession?]

Yes sometimes Girl

[Collect anything?]

Not really

[Have a best friend?] Yes actually I have best FriendS!!
[Close friends?]

Yep my friends

[Like your handwriting?]

hahaha my handwriting? Its terrible

[Care about looks]

I gave up already in a way, but still trying my best!!


[First crush] I guess officially kindergarten. But actually in junior high
[First kiss]

I guess officially kindergarten. But actually in University. Hahaha I was so shy

[Do you believe in love at first sight?] I want to believe
[Do you believe in "the one?"]

I want to believe

[Are you a tease?]

Tease? No I dont want to concern about tease

[Too shy to make the first move?] Not really. Im very fast mover



Hahaha yes I am

[Bitch/Asshole] Hahaha oh yeah I deserve it as a Asshole

No I dont think so

[Angel] 49%


[Shy] 0% or 100% depends on situation

Yep I really like people and love to talk with.


Hahaha Is it useful information?



Finding 'Good Will Hunting'


Lei brought me the location of Good Will Hunting in UofT…

Of my gash. These place are exactly same place in the movie.

Can you imagine that 'Matt Damon was there' …. Oops No I mean can you imagine one of favourite movie made here!! I just felt ….WOW that’s cool!! Hehehe


Oh man I'm in the film only my feeling heheheHahaha

!? Ben Affleck & Matt Damon!?!? Though only hair style are similar......hahaha

I wanted to meet Matt Damon though

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