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Long time no see (^^)    

My Senpai (Friend !?) in Japan came to UofT Kendo club for practice. I felt soooo strange feeling.... I never imagined I would meet him in here Toronto. Of course he introduced me Toronto at first 3-4 years ago and his parents are here( and he was born here), so that's very making sense to meet here. But I never thought to meet him in here and never speak with him in English ^^

And he came back here and met & played with me ....  after an interval of a year and harf.

He still tenses me by joking though (^c^; Hehehe 

I'm sooo glad to meet you again!! Let's play Kendo again in ...... somewhere someday!! Who knows when & where though (^0^) hahaha

UofT Last Summer Practice with Senpais

OK I have to say at first anyway, this day I was sooo disappointed (-_-;

Graduated Member of UofT, Richard Tizzard-sensei,  Joe Kim,  Raymond Garllardo came to the practice this day.

And in the last of practice, only they and Matthew-sensei, Tony-sensei, and Naim were playing each other. So I was watching & taking video for learning from them.

Then I just looked around rest of them, and..... some were talking each other and some are taking picture each other like finished practice alraedy....

I just couldn't understand their behavior. Did they thought that they finished own practice so they didn't need to learn. Or whoever playing in frontof them, that's not thier bisiness. So they didn't need to pay attention ??

Honestly I felt anger... They always asked me about their Kendo. Like "How do you think about MY kendo? How do I look?" So at least they have interesting about thierselves. So I wanna say WHY they can't have interesting about the people playing in front of them? I trust that we can learn even from biginners, so they want to get better,  why they don't pay attension ....?   And also they have experienced than rest of members. So why...?

And they are playing practice with thier best in there. So if they want to talk, they should talk outside in case they interrupt player's concentration. I thought it's common sense. Kendo is not show sports... So purpose should be training ourselves. So why they can't care about players playing practice in front of them???

And I also thought that I was keeping telling and teaching them about it I mean behavior in Dojo for A year and half as a friend, sometimes as a instructor........

So it means I couldn't tell and teach them about it by even using such a long time *Sigh* (-_-) Student's fault is instructor's fault. It is a responsibility of teaching.

I know that my english ability and skill of Kendo are not enough for teaching... But what was this A year and half....?   I was just disappointed everything.

Of course that was lot's of fun too. Richard Tizzard-sensei,  Joe Kim,  Raymond Garllardo thank you so much for coming & playing practice q(^0^)p  It was very kind of you to come all that far way to play practice with us.

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