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Having time for myself  in North Bay   q(^0^)p    

I was tired... so many things I should think & worry. Then my friend asked me to go to his home town North Bay. It's Pete (^^)  And this time, member were Pete, Lei, Me only three of us. And we are also very close friend I can trust from my heart & relaaaaax. It would be never bad trip in this situation(^c^) 

Yeah~~~ I'm tallest member (^c^) Oops Hahaha  But I'm also lightest in these three member >__<

Roughly 4hours drive to north, we arrived Pete's home. There is sooo nice & cool and beatiful house and filled with nature.......... I just felt that finally I came to Canada before I saw in the TV or Movie (^^) Hahaha

And we went to canoe o(^-^)o For me it was first time canoeing. Btw he has own Conoe Wow (@c@)   How is Canoeing???

Show your Kiai!!  ...........Yes Sir

Wow Moving Moving I was frolicking in the Conoe and  conoeing loudly ^0^; Both of them said ".......take it easy Tatsushi (-c-)  You will be dead tomorrow"  Hahaha I'm just like kid ^^

Oh wowowowowow just soooo silent and beautiful nature....

LOOK!!   What, What What ????

There is Loon >c<   It is on the mark of LOONY, isn't it? isn't it? Wow soooo close.

OK Let's go that island  o(^c^)o

Wow there is a cottage too.  Wow 

I didn't notice before, but sky is so big.....of course (-o-) Hahaha

Wow nice red plane... like movie of "Poruco rosso" 

Finally back to land and we were thirsty after the canoeing. And then Pete left somewhere shadow and call us. I just thought I don't want to see his pee (because I was doing pee in the shadow too Hahaha).....

But.... there is a wild berry >__<  Wow can I eat it?????????????? I'm such a city boy hahaha

Wow soooooo sweet and tasty  ^0^

Oh men I felt sooo be healed. Certainly my body was tired, but mentaly I'm so relax and refresh by sound, smell and feeling of natures. Very strange feeling... comparing with city side, there is nothing,,,, but I felt there is also everything.

But as a result........................  this one↑ (>-<)  by the way... do you know whoes legs?? Hehehe (^^) 

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